If you need to return your purchase, we offer a full refund or exchange within 28 days of receiving your order. If 28 days have gone by since you received the product, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

If you’re returning something because you don’t want it (rather than because it’s faulty) we must be able to resell it. That means that it should be in its original packaging and shouldn’t be damaged or washed.

If we don’t think the item is in a good enough condition to resell, we’re allowed to say no to giving you a refund or an exchange.
When we receive the item and decide that it’s in perfecct condition, we’ll put the money straight back onto the card you paid with and it should show in your account within 3-5 days

Exception for refunds and exchanges: We can not offer a refund or exchange for custom orders that can not be resold. To return an item, contact us on teepeetots16@gmail.com and we will advise you what to do next.